Pludmales volejbols Irlavā. 3.kārta un kopvērtējums 25.06.
1. Kristīne Agilera 2. Mellenes 3. Karameles 4. Uzcel man 5. – 8.v. Pludmales dīvas, Tume, Ņammas, Margrietiņas /Sēme/. 9.v.,,AP’’
VĪRIEŠI: Piedalījās 14 komandas. 1. AMSA 2. ERCENI 3. Kaive 4. Dzimtenes cirpēji 5. -8.v. Dobele, Sigus-B, Bosi, Studenti. 9.-14.v.Uģis, Aizkapliča, upeņbrāļi, Mazie, Tume, Pokemoni.
Kopā tika aizvadītas 74 spēles.Katrā kārtā atkarībā no komandu skaita izspēles kārtība var būt dažāda.Šajā kārtā vīrieši spēlēja divās apakšgrupās un katrai komandai bija garantētas 6 spēles. Izslēgšanas kārtā iekļuva 4 labākās no katras apakšgrupas.Pirmā četrinieka komandām iznāca izspēlēt 9 spēles. Arī sievietes cīnījās divās apakšgrupās un izslēgšanas spēlēs piedalījās 8 veiksmīgākās. Vadošajām komandām iznāca 6 spēles. Nākošā kārta jau 2 jūlijā pl.19:00. Pieteikšanās līdz 1 jūlija pl 15:00, ja komandu skaits nav pārsniedzis maksimāli iespējamo 10 komandas sievietēm un 20 komandas vīriešiem.
KOPVĒRTĒJUMS -2014. /vīrieši/
KOPVĒRTĒJUMS -2014. /sievietes/
Mdn6786l 14-05-2016 02:33:13
I think McDonald's has cornered the market on 'I Can't Believe It's Not;..kremember when they advertised that their nuggets were "now made with 100% white meat"? Well WTF were they made with before?!?!?I would definitely try some I Can't Believe It's Not Field Greens though. And I'll look for you and Merle next time I'm at Costoco! :)
fvrSuoDEH 14-05-2016 23:44:55
Luke, this kitty is at the vet, and the vet is doing what vets must do, providing veterinary care.I will send you a picture of him once he is reecoered.Pleasv, use the right word in the future. It’s not put down, it’s Kill.Moron.
6CXbERh05A0 15-05-2016 06:43:44
Achei, por um momento, que era uma homenagem à Amy Winehouse.Isso porque os argentinos chegaram à prestar culto à falecida Evita como “Nossa Senhora da Es2nearçap21;. Claro que a Igreja Católica, ainda bem católica naquela época, achou isso tudo ridÃculo e nunca alimentou esse sentimento desvirtuado do povão.Mas Dom Odilo? Aquele que esbravejou contra os protestantes da parada gay pela blasfêmia protestante-gay deles à imagem dos santos?Não! Não pode ser! Esses bispos não andam nada católicos. [url=]zoghvokdm[/url] [link=]eiytdnaeqo[/link]
pDnRCdguZ 16-05-2016 23:38:58
Great shot. Puzzling question. I know lizards, while standing, lift their feet off the ground to control body teerpeaturm, could be the same reason for birds. Or, perhaps they are fans of Treasure Island and they want to be Long John Silver.
22gNJBQoiN7 18-05-2016 00:39:59
Anonymous - yes, i agree with you and everyone else and the author. In my comments I acknowledge the great amount of work that needs to happen on the linguistic interface.I listed examples only to show that W|A provides more than a finite set of calculators. If it were a finite set of calculators we could, indeed, just have a browsable menu system to get to all the calculators. I sincerely am asking for ideas on how to create controls and interfaces that improve the experience. We have an API launching where exmoirpentatien with alternative interfaces should be quite easy to test out. [url=]epqdoyrrqlt[/url] [link=]sdksic[/link]
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