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George 05-03-2019 01:25:23
Hi guys

I am in the midst of starting up my very own little vape shop in Kent and wanted to reach out to you to ask you for some advice as it looks like you have a pretty successful vape business going.

Firstly, I would like to know how to select the best e-liquid wholesaler with a very good e-liquid range. Do let me know if you sell wholesale and if so, it would be great if you could send me across your price list.

I am planning of making my own e-liquid brand and was wondering what is the best way to promote it? I have already purchased an email list of all vape shops and companies as a whole for my newsletter marketing from

I am also getting a vape SEO company to help me with the website creation.

What else would you recommend I do to make my vape shop a success?

I really appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards

Sergey 25-03-2019 17:32:06
Good Afternoon

I am writing to you to introduce my freelance vape seo services. I specialise in creating quality vape-related links to rank vape-related sites on search engines such as Google. I work with 50 of the leading vape shops, e-juice brands and wholesalers and now I have decided to take the same package that we provide to clients via an agency and offer it ten times cheaper on Fiverr.

Please take a look at the package and if it is of interest, please feel free to order it from

Thank you for your time.

Kind regards

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Mazie 26-04-2019 01:35:04
The vape industry has grown exponentially since 2012. It all started off with the ego starter kits, then progressed to dripping and subohming and now we seem to have reached the heights of nicotine salts, shortfill e-liquids, CBD and Juul devices. Thousands of brick-and-mortar vape shops have opened all around the world. New online vape shop start-ups are emerging on a daily basis. The competition in the vape industry has become cut throat! Back in 2012, it was a breeze to rank for competitive vape keywords on most search engines whilst today, it is even becoming difficult to rank for local area post codes as every corner of every city seems to have a growing vape shop demographic.

We were the first vape SEO company in the world and we know the vape industry inside out. We have ranked some of the biggest e-juice brands since when they were starting out, vape shops that were to become some of the biggest chains in the country, vape wholesalers, event organisers and many other different types of vape sites. Our deep knowledge of the SEO and the vape industries allows us to understand the unique business models of our clients and exactly what it takes to rank a vape shop to the very top of the search engines.

As we have mentioned above, since working with many vape businesses, we have created a blueprint for ranking a site. We have gone through numerous trial and errors and know what works and what does not work. In the current SEO climate, major search engines are putting a greater emphasis on the overall domain authority and metrics of a site as well as brand and onsite visitor behaviour (browsing, click-throughs and bounces). We are constantly adjusting our package to ensure that all of our practices are closely attuned to the latest SEO best-practices and search engine algorithms.

1,000 backlinks on vape and e-liquid blogs: all of the links are do follow, permanent and 100% related to the vaping niche. This helps the search engines to classify your site and rank it higher on the basis of the fact that it has a lot of links coming from designated vape blogs. Moreover, each vape blog has a very high domain authority which will pass on a lot of link equity to you site.

5,000+ forum posts: we will post out a unique message about your website or brand on the most popular forums in the world. Not only will this help to generate awareness about your brand but will also give you a lot of backlinks and direct visitors to your site.

Guest posts on very powerful sites: we have exclusive access to some very popular and powerful sites on which we can place guests posts with links to your site.

Mixed backlinks: in addition to the above work, we will also create some mixed backlinks for some diversity. This would include some blog comments, video comments and more.

Indexing: we will index your links with the major searhc engines at a very natural and steady pace to keep the search engine red flags at bay!

Learn more and buy at
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Leanne 06-05-2019 17:26:32
I will create backlinks on my e-liquid and vape blogs built on very high authority domains. Choose the package that most suits your budget and competition you are facing. All extras are highly recommended.

These vape backlinks will help to increase your vape shop's domain authority and search engine rankings as well as your sales.

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