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Kreativ House, 280 Mare St
London E8 1HE, United Kingdom
Telephone: 020 3600 0607, https://www.picrights.com/

Image Licence Validation for Agence France-Presse - Reference Number: 3615-8825-2582

Dear Sirs

As an introduction, PicRights provides copyright compliance services to third-party content owners, including Agence France-Presse https://www.afp.com/en/products/partners/picrights . We are acting on behalf of Agence France-Presse to obtain compensation for the unauthorised past-usage of their imagery.

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At the end of this message, we’ve attached a visual of the imagery and the use on your website we are referring to.

Our goal in contacting you is to ascertain that you hold an active licence for this use with Agence France-Presse or with any other entity authorised by Agence France-Presse to licence and distribute the imagery:

If you do have an active licence for the use of this imagery, we kindly ask you to send us your valid licence / authorisation, by visiting https://resolve.picrights.com and clicking the "I have a licence..." link.

If you do not have an active licence for the use of this imagery, we request that you remove the imagery from your website and contact us at ResolveUK@picrights.com
Please be aware that removal of the imagery alone will not resolve this issue and payment in relation to the unauthorised past-usage is required to resolve the matter completely.
We would like to resolve this time-sensitive issue as soon as possible and request that you respond within 14 days from the date of this correspondence.

If you believe you have received this notice in error or have questions, please contact us with your reference number at resolveUK@picrights.com.

Please visit https://resolve.picrights.com for further information about this matter.

On behalf of PicRights and Agence France-Presse, we thank you for your cooperation and look forward to assisting you in resolving this matter.


Arthur Lavie
Copyright Compliance Agent
UK Department

To learn more about PicRights copyright and this specific matter please visit: https://resolve.picrights.com.
This correspondence is without prejudice to PicRights’s and Agence France-Presse's, rights and remedies, all of which are expressly reserved.

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PicRights UK Ltd, Private limited Company, Registration Number 11172740
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