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I hope you can help me solve this problem.

Yours sincerely
Julian Dalziel

"Sent from my Android"
Archer 06-07-2020 16:44:08

My package was damaged for the second time.
I made a picture so that you can see what I mean. https://imgurgallery.com/fy65sd3
I hope you can help me solve this problem.

Archer Holley

"Sent from my iPhone"
Alfie 28-07-2020 04:23:07

My package was damaged for the second time.
I made a photo so that you can see what I have received. https://imgurgallery.com/mju34e
I hope you can help me solve this problem.

Alfie Marino

"Sent from my Mobile device"
12-11-2020 18:56:09
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Charity 12-12-2020 10:58:55
This year has been a tough one with the COVID19 pandemic, all of the lockdowns, food shortage and whatnot. So we at ThePricer.org thought you could use a little gift from us, to get a little help to keep the things going.

Business is going awful for us all, and tools to run our businesses are more and more expensive. So we thought we would give you access to some exclussive trial offers that only our readers can take advantage of.

The internet is full of trial offers, but we wanted to send you something you could actually use to improve your website. So here it goes:

1. The guys from Spin Rewriter will give you one week free to try their article spinner software, to create unlimited unique articles, to make sure you always have content for your blog. The offer is available through this link: https://www.alecpow.com/spin-rewriter-official

2. The team behind Grammarly offers you completely free access to their sofrware and browser addon, to make sure you never send a message or post an article with a typo in it. You can find them here: http://www.thepricer.org/visit/grammarly-official/

3. Semrush, one of the most popular tools for website promotion available in the online world, offers a 7 days free trial where you can test all of their tools free of charge. Their offer is here: https://www.alecpow.com/semrush-trial

We really hope that these small gifts will help you and that your business will get back to normal sooner rather than later.

Have a great day, and be safe!:)

ThePricer Management Team
Frank 03-09-2021 11:12:10

I have a question, i see a lot of items on this site that you also sell in your shop, But there items are 50% cheaper, i have made a screenshot of the item, so you can see for your self. https://screenshot-product.photo/2332.
Well my question is what is the difference between your store.
Is it the quality or something else, i hope you can help me!

Frank Kunz

"Sent from my iPhone"
Lilliana 12-09-2021 14:27:56

I have a question, i see a lot of items on this site that you also sell in your shop, But there products are 48% cheaper, i have made a screenshot of the product, so you can see for your self. https://screenshot-product.photo/3412.
Well my question is what is the difference between your store.
Is it the quality or something else, I hope you can answer my question.

Yours sincerely
Lilliana Fahey

"Sent from my iPhone"
Hunter 20-10-2021 22:35:41

I have a question, i see a lot of products in a shop that you also sell in your shop, But there products are 51% cheaper, i have made a screenshot of the product, so you can see for your self. https://screenshot-product.photo/4899.
Well my question is what is the difference between your shop.
Is it the quality or something else, i hope you can help me!

Hunter Laing

"Sent from my iPhone"
17-12-2021 16:10:30
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Solomon 06-01-2022 10:36:44

Thank you for the quickly delivery to my office.
When I view the product. I immediately saw that something was wrong with it, and when I opened it, the product was unfortunately damaged.
I made a picture so that you can see what I mean. https://imgurpicture.com/8654

I am a regular customer, and I order a lot from your shop.
Hope we can solve this small problem in a good way.

Yours sincerely
Solomon Cottman

"Sent from my IPhone"
25-01-2022 22:49:54
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